Bill Evans
kid in a candy store”

more than thirty years, serious collectors and other
admirers of fine furniture have sought out William Evans to
create originals and reproductions for them, and to restore
precious antiques. Their testimonials and
anecdotes appear throughout the website for you to read
at your leisure. Meanwhile, here are some insights into the
career and techniques of this master craftsman.
After sampling the corporate life as a young man, Bill left
Xerox to focus on turning his passion for cabinetry into a livelihood.
He apprenticed for eight years under Dutch master craftsman
David Hendriks in Toronto and quickly established his own reputation
and clientele. Since returning to the States in the 1980s and
settling in Maine, he has continued to perfect his use of traditional
techniques and develop his own design ideas. His work is displayed
in historic buildings and private homes throughout North America.
As you’ll read in the testimonials,
Bill is known not only for the way he works with wood, but also
for the way he works with people. For him, listening carefully
is an integral part of making fine furniture.
“It’s important to me,” he says, “to
make sure that a piece is tailored to the wants and needs of
the people buying it. I want to make sure it looks just like
they want it to look, that it functions just like they want
it to function. And I want it be used and enjoyed for generations.”
Whether he is building new pieces or restoring damaged heirlooms,
Bill starts the construction process by personally hand-selecting
the wood. Most furniture makers, especially those who manufacture
by machine in order to produce high volume, don’t do this.
Instead, they settle for the less expensive, less time-consuming
option of simply ordering loads of lumber, sight unseen, from
large dealers.
the materials is the only way that makes sense to me,”
says Bill. “For a cabinet-maker to accept the luck of
the draw would be like a chef trying to make a delicacy from
whatever the food wholesaler leaves at the door.”
He begins his search for the right wood by inspecting slabs
cut from premium logs. And if your piece requires large areas
of exposed grain, he will choose from “flitch-sawn”
logs, which are logs that have been cut in sequence so that
later the grain pattern can be matched.
“Outstanding grain pattern and consistency of color,”
Bill says emphatically, “are critical to making a quality
piece of furniture. The grain has to flow and not fight with
the eye or look jumbled when it is pieced together.”
What’s also true is that Bill Evans flat out loves fine
wood. In fact, he is known for a somewhat “pathological”
habit of squirreling it away until he finds just the right use
for it.
“Yeah,” he confesses sheepishly, “I’m
like a kid in a candy store. If I see good lumber, I have to
buy it, even if there’s not a use for it right off. It’s
really fun to imagine how a particular piece of wood might look
when it becomes a bed or a table or a chest. But when it comes
time to actually use it, it can be hard to let go because I
won’t get to have it around anymore. And I get teased
a lot.”
This fussiness and care extends to every other aspect of creating
a William Evans masterpiece as well. Dovetailing drawers together
by hand takes time, though its beauty is obvious. Not so obvious
is the traditional mortise & tenon joinery Bill uses in
the doors and the “carcass” of a piece.
“Mortise & tenon is much stronger than simply using
dowels,” Bill says. “But it also takes a lot longer,
and you can’t see it. So, it’s tempting to just
use dowels and let somebody else worry about it later when it
starts to come apart. But I just couldn’t bring myself
to do that.”
Bill also hand-picks all the brass hardware he uses, again
from the finest available. And then there is the finish, another
place where he will not compromise on quality. He insists on
a centuries-old method of hand-rubbing thin layers of shellac
into the wood…over and over and over again:
“As far as I’m concerned, shellac is the only way
to provide lasting protection and still let the natural beauty
show through. Lacquer and polyurethane go on much faster, but
they make for a thicker, cloudier finish that causes light refraction
and reflection. You see the finish instead of the wood. And
while oil is also easy, it tends to be dull and does not make
for a hard, protective finish.”
So, there you have William Evans, fine furniture maker, in
a nutshell. When you’re ready to see what he can do for
you, just let him know.